After having repented of sins and accepted Jesus Christ by faith as his saviour, so being in this way born again, the believer must receive biblical instructions in order to know and have a better comprehension of his new life in Christ as well as the doctrines, norms and biblical rules that shal steer that new life.
The Lord Jesus Christ sharply charges that the new convert or recent born again be doctrined and taught. Matt. 28: 19-20. Mark 16:15.
In order to obey this precept of the Lord, the apostles taught and doctrined new born again. Acts 2: 40-42; 4:12; 19: 9-10; 20:20.
The apostles in the same way charged their followers to teach new born again 2 Timothy 2: 1-2; 4:2.
Those believers who are interested in learning biblical doctrines will be always ready to give an answer to every one who ask them a reason of the hope that is in us with meekness and fear. 1 Peter 3: 15. They wil have a solid foundation for their faith and behaviour. 2 Tim. 3: 16-17. They wil enjoy the love of Christ. Jhon 14: 15,21,23 15:10. They will enjoy true freedom. Jhon 8: 31-32; Rom. 8:1-2.
1. What muts the new convert do?
2. What is the purpose?
3. Are biblical instructions a commandment of the Lord?
4. What blessings are obtained by biblical study?
The followers of Jesus Christ who live in the same area must assemble and become a local church. Matt. 18: 17,20; Acts 8: 1; 9: 31; Heb. 10: 25.
The main goals of Christian Church are:
1. To worship God in Spirit and truth. Jhon 4: 23-24. Psalms 100. Col. 3: 16.
2. To teach the holy scriptures for growing up in life and Christian virtues. 2 Peter 3: 18; 2 Tim 3: 14-17; Psalms 119:9; 2 Cor. 7: 1; Jhon 13: 34.
3. To spread the gospel everywhere. Mark 16: 15; Acts 1: 8.
To attend church meetings frequently ought to be the firm purpose of a believer because it gives him unspeakable blessing.
1. It gives him joy. Psalms 122: 1; 16: 11.
2. He will see the beauty and glory of God. Psalms 27: 4.
3. He will delight in fellowshipping with his brethren. Palms 133: 1.
4. He will partipate in public service to God, receiving edification in this way. Eph. 5: 19; Col. 3: 16; 1 cor. 14: 16.
5. He will be able to pray in a favourable atmosphere, Isaiah 56: 7; 2 Chron. 6: 20-21.
1. What must believers in the same area do?
2. Mention and explain the goals of the church.
3. When a believer attends church frequently, what blessings does he receive?
The bible is the inspired word of God by which he communicates with us. 2 Pet. 1:20-21; John 5:39; 2 Tim 3:16 and the infallible rule of faith and behaviour that lead us safely to heaven. Psalm. 119:11,105; John 5:24; 20:31. No body can take away or add to the bible. 1 Peter 1:25; Rev 22:18-19. The new life the Christian has received must be fed and that food is the word of God. Matthew 4:4, The Christian should read the bible to become wise, believe it to be saved, and practice it to become a saint. The word of God is the sword to overcome the wicked forces. Matt 4:3-11; Eph 6:17, the bible teaches us how to live. Psalm 119:105,130; James l: 22-25, the word of God is immutable, it does not change. Matt 24:35; Is. 40:8 and we have already seen that no one can change it Rev. 22:18, 19 and that is why its teachings, its precepts and its doctrines don't change.
Hells forces lead by satan, and integrated by devils, atheits, unbelievers, skeptic men, so called believers, and so called theologists have attacked the authenticity, the truthfulness, inspiration, and the divine origin of the bible, but everyone of them have passed away and will pass away, but the word of God endures for ever.
1. What is the bible?
2. Is the bible complete?
3. What place should the bible have in the life of believers?
4. How long does the word of God endures?
The only true God has revealed himself as gathering the principles of relationship and unity, it is: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Deut. 6:14; Is. 43-l0-ll; Matt. 28-l9; 2 Cor. 13:14; John 5:37.
The words Trinity and Persons refers to Deity, although they are not fount in the scriptures they are completely harmonic with them. Divine unity is a compound one, for instance, water is one but it is known in three ways: Liquid, Solid and Vapour. The sun is one, but it has three main kind of rays : Light, Heat arid Energy. The air we breathe is the combination of three main gases: oxygen , Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide. Human being is trinal: Spirit, Soul and Body. The body is compound by three elements: Flesh, Bone and Blood. Blood is compound of three substances: Plasma, liquid, mobile cells, and p1aquet.
We se that everything in creation has the unmistakable label of the trinal God. It does not mean that there are three Gods, since there are not three sons, but that the three cooperate in one purpose, and mind so that in the best sense of the word they are “one” The father creates, the Son redeems, the Holy Spirit sanctifies, but in every task the three of them are present. Deut. 6:14 is the preferred verse of the only Jesus, but when it says that. God is one it is precisely because when it Says “God” (Elohim) it is already expressing a plurality and the Verse wants to clarify that even though Deity (God) is a plurality it is one in nature, might, and purpose.
It is like in Gen. 11:6, that God ref referring to the people says: “Behold the people is one”. People was compound by thousands of persons, but they were one in purpose.
The word “Elohim”, that, in Hebrew is plural appears; more than 2700 times in the old testament. In many other cases, plural pronouns and verbs are used, like: “Let us make” “our” Gen. 11:7 “us” Gen. 3:22 “Let us go down” and confound Gen. 11:7 “Us” Is. 6:8 Hosea 12:4. “We will come and make our abode” John 14:23. In the baptism of Jesus, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit were manifested simultaneously. Matt. 3: 13-17.
1. How has God revealed himself?
2. What are some of the illustrations in creation the clarifies the doctrine of Trinity?
3. In what passage of the New Testament are the three divine persons manifested simultaneously?
The salvation of the soul is a transformation made in the soul, and life of believers. This transformation is referred to as a new birth. John 3:3—5 being begotten by God, and his word. John 1:13; 1 Pet. 1:23 and being made a new creature. 2 Cor. 5: 17; Eph. 2:15.
Requirements for salvation:
•  Faith in the blood of Jesus. 1 Pet. 1:18-19
•  Faith in the word of God. John 1:11-13; 1 Pet. 1:23
•  Repentance of sins. Acts 2:38
Only by Jesus Christ
•  It is not by the law or by Sabbath. Rom. 3:20-22; Eph. 2:8-10; Col 2:16; Gal. 3:1, 5:4 , 1:7
•  It is not by idols or images. Ex. 20:4-5; Is. 44:9-18.
•  It is not by Mary, neither apostle nor saint Acts 4:12; Luke 1:46-48; John 2:5 ; Acts 14:8-15
•  Christ is the only saviour. Acts 4:10-12, 16:30-31
•  Christ is the only way. John 14:6
•  Christ is the only mediator. 1 Tim 2:5
1.   What is salvation?
2.   What do you compare salvation with?
3.   What are the requirements for salvation?
4.   Repeat by heart. Acts. 4:12
1. God is holy.
a) He requires his sons or children to be holy. 1 Peter 1:15-16.
2. Holiness means:
a) Clean of every filthiness. 2 Cor. 7:1; 2 Chron. 29:5-15
b) Separated from sin. 1 Thes. 4:3; 2 Cor. 6:17
c) Dedicated to God. Rom.12: l-2.
3. Holiness is reached by:
a) Faith in God's word. John 17:17; Eph 5:26.
b) Faith in Christ's blood. Heb 10:10-29
c) The work of the Holy Spirit. 1 Pet. 1:2; Gal. 5:16, 22-25
4. When it is accomplished
a) Immediately in part; in the time of conversion.
1 Cor 6:9-11
b) Progressive: Believers will make an effort to perfect
(Sanctification) Holiness. 2 Cor 7-l
5. Aspects of Holiness.
True holiness has two; aspects: The inner one and the external one. It is the heart's aspect and the aspect of behaviour. One is related to motivations, the other one with actions. The inner holiness is a condition of cleanliness, worked out by the Holy Spirit. The external holiness is a life of justice and devotion to the highest ideals of the Gospel. The inner holiness will always be: manifested externally, holding high standards of behaviour, different to those of the world; the sanctified believer will be deferent internally as well as externally. There are some folks who say that the external does not matter, but the bible teaches that it is important. Is. 3:16, 26; Ex. 23:40; 1 Peter 3:3-5; 1 Tim. 2:9; Tit. 2:3; 1 Cor. 11:15.
6. Standards of Holines
Seeing all these biblical admonitions, the church must make a strong effort to hold high standards of internal and external holiness. Thus christians women must abstain themselves from wearing extravagant dresses or dresses without sleves, short dresses or dresses with really low neckline, transparent clothes, slacks pants, earrings, exagerated ornament, shaving of eyebrow etc. In the same way men should abstain from vain appearances and every ridiculous male fashion or effeminate clothing. 2 Cor. 6: 17-18, Deut. 22-5.
1. Why must Christians be holy?
2. What does holiness mean?
3. How is holiness reached, and when?
4. What are the two aspects of holiness?
5. What relationship is there between the two aspects?
Its importance:
Prayer is of vital importance and indispensable to a Christian
Prayer is a privilege and a duty for Christians 1 Tim. 2:8 Luke 13:1. Through prayer the soul draws near to God Heb. 10:19-22 to praise and worship him for his mercies. Psalm 103:1-3 Phil. 4:6. To ask for our needs 1 John 5:14 Mat. 7:7 To make intercession for others Eph. 3:14-17 1 Sam 12:23
  How prayer must be done.
  Prayer must be geared to God in the name of Jesus Christ John 14:13-14 In might and inspiration of the Holy Spirit Eph. 6:18 Rom. 8:26 With understanding 1 Cor. 14:15 Whatever our needs, we must bring them to God in prayer Phil. 4:16
Conditions for effective prayer:
•  With a contrite hear 2 Choron. 7:14
•  With the whole heart. Jer.29:13
•  With faith. Mark.11:24
•  In righteousness. James 5:16 Psalm. 66:13
•  In obedience 1 John 3:22
A Christian that prays serves the Lord better and is a good and effective influence in the Church. We ought to take hold or the maximum spiritual resources the Lord has set before us. Pray without ceasing is the admonition of Saint Paul , because prayer, more than an isolate act, should be a permanent condition for Christians.
1.  What part should prayer play in a Christian's life?
2.  How should we pray?
3.  What are some of the conditions for effective prayer?
In these days many questions and confusions rise in the minds of many brethren because of the excessive and antibiblical emphasis that some print on the fast.
From the natural and human point of view, the fast has been practiced at all times and in every nation, especially in times of grieve and affliction, since the human's body constitution, under such circumstances of pain, refuses the food. (Jonah 3:5).
The Jew fast:
In the ceremonial law given by god to the Hebrew people through Moses, God established a yearly day of fast for the entire nation, the day of atonement (Leviticus 23:27-32).
In times of the prophet Isaiah, that is, a thousand years after the Law of Moses was established, the Jews had already failed the purpose and the spirit of the fast, and God had to rebuke them. (Isaiah 58:3,4).
By this verses we can see clearly that they fasted, but at the same time murmured; fasted, but at the same time did their pleasure, their will; fasted, but at the same time oppressed; fasted, but at the same time contended and debated to see who fasted more days; they fasted but at the same time injured.
To fast in that way, not mattering how many days one fasts, doesn't have any value, neither God hears.
In times of the prophet Zechariah, that is a thousand two hundred years after the Law of Moses, the Jews had four main fasts annually, instead of one. (Zechariah 8:19). God asked them by the prophet's mouth: “¿Have you fasted for me?” (Zechariah 7:5).
And in the time of Christ, that is, five hundred years after Zechariah, the Jews had a hundred and four fasts annually. That's why the Pharisee that Christ mentions in Luke 18:12, prayed, saying: “ I fast twice a week.”
With this fast marathon of a hundred and four fasts annually, only to fast, they grew in the knowledge of the law, but not in the grace and justice of God, since they were not justified. Fast in itself, or the number of days that one fasts to make mention or boast about it, doesn't have validity in God's presence.
Because of this, God, by the prophet's Jeremiah's mouth, says to them: “ when you fast, I will not hear your cry ”, (Jeremiah 14:12).
The biblical fast
The biblical fast means to abstain of food to dedicate the time to God. It is not to leave food and dedicate to another thing.
The biblical fast humbles the soul before god. Psalm 35:13. Crucifies the appetite and denies them their desires to give all the time to God and to prayer. (2 Samuel 1:16-23; 1 Corinthians 7:5).
Prayer in many occasions needs the biblical fast for its victory and efficacy. The biblical fast has achieved many victories, combined with the payer and with faith. The biblical fast is a biblical doctrine. (2 Chronicles 20:1-25).
The biblical fast is only one. There is not a fast of Jehovah, or a fast of the Lord, or one of the Holy Spirit.
¿How is the biblical fast?
Our Lord Jesus Christ offers specific instructions about how is the biblical fast. (Mathew 6:16-18).
That is, no one must know that we are fasting, much less how many days we are fasting, or how many we fasted. Jesus said that to make mention, or promotion, or to boast, or to draw the attention about fasting or the many days of fasting that we've made, is hypocrisy and pharisaic.
Jesus says how we must do the biblical fast Mathew 6:18.
All the Christians must practice the biblical fast. The Bible, specially the New Testament , doesn't offer rules concerning how long it should be, or how frequent. This is determined by the person in secret with God and according to his/her desire and need.
According to the Word of God, we can see clearly that the fast must have a defined purpose; it must be practiced for defined needs. For this we have in the bible cases when God, by the mouth of the prophet, called the people to fast and repentance at the imminence of a judgment. For the same reason it is biblical that the pastor, by divine guidance, call the church to fast for some needs of the same.
In certain occasion when the disciples couldn't heal the possessed man, they asked Jesus. Mathew 17:19-21.
Here the main reason that the Lord gives is the little faith. Faith needs prayer, and prayer needs fast, through prayer and fast, and the meditation of the Word of God faith is strengthened and then the miraculous results will be manifested. That is, fasting, or the many days of fasting that we can do, is not for us to win merits, neither to establish a record of fasting, or to break Christ's record, or to impress god or the demons
We pray to cultivate and strengthen our own spiritual life. Whoever fasts a day, or whoever fasts forty one days mustn't be proclaiming it. The Lord emphasizes that this must be a private affair; secret. (Mathew 6:18).
The excessive fast without a purpose, which makes health to be broken down and that makes family to be unattended, and also brings scandals, is contrary to the good testimony of the Gospel.
I know well a case of one of those so called prophets, who prophesized to a pastor that he had to stay at home in fast without going to church for a period of two months. The foolish pastor believed the false prophecy and at a weeks time had to get out of his enclosure because the false prophet was dividing the church.
A radio preacher said that a determined brother had fasted for twenty days and that he was going to pray for that brother and that that brother was going to dance in the Spirit, for everyone to see that at the twentieth day of fasting, there is still strength to dance.
We have already said that the true biblical fast is not to accumulate days, or to see who resists more, or to compete, or to see who has more strength, or to offer a spectacle.
The Lord says that we must not show anything to men; if we fast, or how many days we fast, or if we have strength, or I we don't. The reward of the one who fasts proclaiming it, is that everyone knows that he is fasting, they know how many days he fasted, that he still has physical strength, etc.
But the one who fasts for the heavenly Father who is in secret, the heavenly Father who sees him in secret, will reward him in public.
The fast in itself, or the amount of days made in the fast, is not what really counts before God, but the reasons in the heart and the spirit with which it is made.
The Pharisee fasted twice a week, that is, a hundred and four fasts annually. (Luke 18:11-12). Through their many fasts he wanted to appear more spiritual than anyone. The publican didn't fast, and if he did, he didn't mention it. We must not mention it. (Luke 18:13-14).
It is a sad fact that is repeated in many people's experience, that when they make fasts that are not according to the Bible, there is danger of getting lost of the sound doctrine, there is the danger of hearing voices, of receiving strange visions and revelations that aren't either according to the Word of God.
These deceiving spirits and these demons doctrines do not present as that, but with a lot of tricks, hability and imitation, saying things that appear good, correct, biblical, etc.
In that same passage the Bible tells us, that those deceiving spirits, in an intent to appear more holy and more pure than the Bible itself, they “will forbid to marry”, “don't get married to be more holy”. The imprudent believes it. But to get married or not, doesn't add or take away holiness from anyone.
The same passage also points that these deceiving spirits, “will command to abstain from food”. I have known many who have fasted following deceiving spirits, and have had terrible failures.
Some time ago a new converted brother in the evangelistic center, said to me that he felt by the Lord to fast forty days locked up in a crystal urn in the Colon Plaza of San Juan Puerto Rico, for everyone to see him and repent. I guided him, showed him by the Bible, that that couldn't come from God; he understood and lives thankful for the guidance received.
We must always be very careful with those who take prayer and fasting or the many days of fast they do and proclaim it as a way to gain popularity before the people.
Let us see what the Lord our God says; tired of so much fasting marathon, of so much competition, and of so much ostentation about the fast. (Isaiah 58:4-7).
Yes, beloved, it is always necessary to pray and never faint , it is necessary to pray without ceasing. To pray is good, is necessary, and is vital; but there is a correct and biblical way to pray, and an incorrect and antibiblical way to pray.
Jesus censured a type of people that prayed a lot. (Mathew 23:14).
In everything we must adjust ourselves to the holy Word of God, because as we have seen, all the incorrect and anti biblical brings confusion, disorder, apostasy and condemnation.
Let's pray and fast, but as God commands.
Our christian life must be ruled according to the holy Word of God, it has to be “as the Scripture says”.
May God help us not to be seduced by so many deceiving spirits and so many demon doctrines that are appearing and proliferating in these days of the ending time.
1. How was the Jew fast?
2.  How many types of fasts are there?
3.  How is the biblical fast?
4.  When and how many days must we fast?
5.  What purpose must the fast have?
1. What is temptation?
Temptation is a condition or an external circumstance, feeling or internal passion that leads us to do evil. No one can escape the experience of being tempted to do evil. To be tempted is not sin in itse1f, but to give in to temptation is sin.
2. Sources of temptation:
•  Satan. Gen. 3:1; Rev. 12:9; Matt. 4:3
•  Human wickedness. Matt. 22:18; Mark 12:15
•  Our own lust. James 1:13-15
This last source of temptation is probably the most common. Because it is inside the person, it is more subt1e, effective and very destructive. Read James 1:13-15
Take note of the six steps which are so subtle and progressive in temptation.
Temptation - Own lust
Draw away - Impure thoughts
Enticed - The will is weakened
Lust conceives - give up
Brings forth sin and when it is finished brings forth death.
3. Conduits / Channel of temptation
•  The lust of flesh
•  The lust of the eyes. 1 John 2:16
•  The pride of life
The victory of Jesus is ours
4. Why does God allow temptation?
•  Because it develops character and faith. 1 Peter 1:7-13, 5:8-9
•  Because it keeps Christian humble. 2 Cor. 12:7
•  Because when a Christian conquers, he is rewarded and receives Joy. Rev 2:7, 11, 17; Job. 42:5
•  Because when a Christian conquers, the power of God upon satan is shown. 1 Cor. 10:13
•  Because no one can enter heaven unless he conquers temptation. James 1:12
5. How can we conquer temptation?
•  The purpose of God is that we may conquer. 1 Cor. 10:13
•  We must not seek temptation but avoid it. 1 Cor 6:18, 10:14; 1 Tim. 6:11.
•  We must watch and pray. Matt. 26:41
•  We must read, meditate, confess and obey the word of God. Matt. 4:1-11; Rev. 12.11
•  We must attend the house of God and seek the lord. Heb. 10:23-25, 4: 14-16
1.   Is it sin to be tempted?
2.   What are the sources of temptation?
3.   What are the channels of temptation ?
4.   What is the importance of temptation in the life of Christians?
5.   How can we overcome temptation?

"He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him".
Psalm 126:6

Walking he goes and crying
The one that takes the seed,
He will return happy singing
When coming with its sheaf
With tears I have seeded
The seed that gives life,
With joy I have harvested
The blessed harvest.
It does not concern sweat and weeping
I always lavish in seeding,
Awaiting that song
With Christ I have to sing.
Luis M. Ortiz

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